Tagged: Russian Twist


Hey guys! How are you all doing? Weekends are here and I am feeling great at the moment! I hope you guys are too. I finished the minimum 8 sessions of runs! Woohoo! However I’m aiming to complete all 12 sessions before moving on to doing some fartleks gradually increasing my mileage.



Currently in Frankfurt and weather is awesome! Usually its gloomy but today is bright and sunny with fresh color of green! Unfortunately, todays session was at the gym. As much as I would prefer to run outside than the treadmill I wouldn’t want to risk breathing in the flying pollen. So treadmill it is and its the usual workouts. Back of my knee is recovering well, some pains once in awhile. Getting stronger with core workouts but still needs more focus on the running posture and breathing.

WORKOUT @ 1750:
5min Dynamic Warm Up
30min Easy Run – incline @ 2.0, speed at 9.0km/h & 9.3km/h
5min Static Stretch
5min Core: 1min Jacknife, 1min Static Side Plank, 1min Plank, 1min Sit-ups with hand raises, 1min Superman, 1min Russian Twist

Have a good weekend!

Give yourself a pat on the back!

After a good rest last night and eating well for lunch I felt confident today was going to be a good run. Indeed it was and gave myself a challenge! A guy was running pass me and I told myself not to let him off more than 50m ahead of me. Took him as my pacer and I did fairly well, having more time to spare to cover a longer distance of all my sessions. I was still breathing heavily however I ran at a later time so the sun wasn’t scorching and the humidity level was lower late evening.

WORKOUT @ 1753:
5min Dynamic Warm Up
30min Easy Run
5min Static Stretch
5min Core: 1min Jacknife, 1min Static Side Plank, 1min Plank, 1min Sit-ups with hand raises, 1min Superman, 1min Russian Twist

Great workout!

Lets go!

Today was a very good run despite the fairly strong sun. It was pretty humid but not as bad as yesterday’s. I felt stronger today not only with the run but also the core workouts. If you put your mind to it you will definitely push yourself and do your workouts well. Still, my back knee does affect a little bit of my run. I pray it recovers soon enough.

WORKOUT @ 1610:
5min Dynamic Warm Up
30min Easy Run
5min Static Stretch
5min Core: 1min Jacknife, 1min Static Side Plank, 1min Plank, 1min Sit-ups with hand raises, 1min Superman, 1min Russian Twist

Happy Monday!

Good job!

I couldn’t sleep last night and I’ve no idea why. Lasted all the way till noon and i got up to go for a run slightly later than usual. A little tired today and my quads and lower abs feels tight i guess due to the core work two days ago. Nevertheless, I’m happy to say that the back of my knee is recovering well! No changes for today except i ran the same distance as i did on Monday.

WORKOUT @ 1810:
5min Dynamic Warm Up
30min Easy Run
5min Static Stretch
5min Core: 1min Sit-ups with hand raises, 1min Static Side Plank, 1min Russian Twist, 1min Superman, 1min V-legs raise

Reached the minimum runs for the week i aim to do another run on a Saturday and Sunday just to keep up with mileage. Possible? Till the next update!

Stay fit!